

Resources for NGOs

The following are useful links and resources for NGOs working on the collection of evidence in Ukraine.

The Public International Law & Policy Group (PILPG) has produced a set of general guidelines on the collection, storage, and categorisation of evidence. Additionally, they have a number of available training resources for legal experts to follow on the topic. The content is available in both English and Ukrainian on their dedicated Ukraine Transitional Justice and Documentaion platform

The PILPG has also produced a document in English for civil society groups on the Documentation of Serious Human Rights Violations

The International Bar Associaiton has endorsed the use of the eyeWitness to Atrocities App - an app they helped to develop as a means to create a 'chain of custody' when it comes to first hand video sources. Because the video is taken directly from the field and uploaded directly to secure servers, the content is deemed to be admissible in court - overcoming previous issues related to the use of vidoes. The app stamps recordings with GPS coordinates, the time and location and other data which will show exactly where it was recorded and whether it has been edited. User guides are available in English and Ukrainian. 

The US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC has also produced a guide on Pursuing Justice for Mass Atrocities. Specifically, Chapter Four, "Gathering and Sharing Information" speaks directly to some of the issues that need to be considered when seeking to secure evidence for future use by national or international tribunals. 

Disclaimer: New Direction holds no responsibility for the advice given by third party organisations. 


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