

22nd July 2021, 11:00AM CET

The Future of Europe: Centralisation or Subsidiarity?

LIve Broadcast

For decades, the European Union has been moving more and more towards a centralised system, despite the principle of subsidiarity being clearly enshrined in the Lisbon Treaty. With clear lines drawn between what is and isn’t an EU competency, many Member States have still expressed concern that Brussels is interfering in areas reserved for them, from defence, to healthcare, to issues of social conscience.

With the debate on the Future of Europe taking place in Brussels, there is a chance to redress the balance and ensure that the principle of subsidiarity once again takes centre stage in discussion about the direction of our continent. The risk however still remains that more power will be centralised in Brussels, away from the people.

In this discussion, our panel will discuss what balance needs to be struck between the EU and its Member States, and if there are any lessons that can be taken going forward into the Conference on the Future of Europe. 


  • Jorge Gonzále-Gallarza (moderator)
  • Rodrigo Ballester
  • Robert Tyler
